Friday, February 4, 2011

I am in the race - Let's Do It Liverpool

Friday February 4th 2011 :  Today I announce my running as an Independent for the State Seat of Liverpool.

Liverpool is one of the safest seats for Labor with a 27% margin on the 2 party preferred basis.

My engagement is a response to Liverpool's years of political neglect and self serving by its State representative Paul Lynch MP.

Lynch MP  established himself as a party war lord with the departure of Mark Latham to Canberra in 1994. We have seen Liverpool since go backwards with infrastructure and services being late ( the Liverpool Lag), never arriving or being done on the cheap.
Publish Post

Liverpool is fed up with being taken for granted.  I intend to take the challenge to Lynch MP.


Anonymous said...

The Greens have not entered into a preference deal with Mr Byrne or anyone else, and his speculation about any exchange is inappropriate, inaccurate and unauthorised.”

Signe Westerberg
Greens Candidate for Liverpool

Anonymous said...

Response from Michael Byrne

Signe you are sounding somewhat authoritarian in your statement.
There has been no statement from me of preferences having been made. And this is not speculation, rather a statement of fact. The Labor strategy will be to run a "stooge" candidate and have him/her send them preferences or more likely have then stop at 1 and not use preferences. This has the same effect and would see Paul Lynch elected with a minority vote of under 50% just as Mayor Waller did with 33% Primary (1) votes in 2008.
Nothing changes where reality is not alive and active in peoples' thinking, planning and acting.
